Sunday, September 9, 2012

so fast its my BIRTHDAY !
hiippp hipppp hurrray  ! 
so fast get older another year. muahahaha ~ ! i've a great celebration birthday blast with my babyV and friends. XOXO ~
thank you everyone who celebrate my birthday especially my dear babyV (my pig), she always put alots efforts in my birthday celebration and she did cheer me up with the surprises ! 
on 8th sept 2012 and 9th sept 2012, she bring me to melacca and port dickson.
firstly we headed to melacca for first station and we have alots of fun, we did overnight. the next day on my actual day, we walked around melacca and went to pd for a beach relaxation and seafood lunch before we went back to kl. hehe ~ although is nothing much, but i did relax myself when she's around me and cheer me up. we laugh out loud like nobody business. hehe.

babyV, i always do love you. XOXO ~

our love date. hehe.

thank you alot to my friends that celebrate my birthday. =)